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The CBU Pays Tribute To CBU Hall Of Fame Awardee Jones P. Madeira

CBU Hall Of Fame Awardee
Jones P. Madeira

Mr. Madeira died on January 10, 2025 at the age of eighty (80) after a period of illness.

The first full-time Secretary General of the CBU, from 1981 – 82, he was inducted into the CBU Hall of Fame in 2000.  In part, the citation noted his “leadership by example, …courage and grace under fire and …personal sacrifices endured in the cause of journalistic integrity…

A British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)-trained broadcaster and journalist he extended his considerable talent and experience to work not only in broadcast media in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean but also print media and public education management for more than five decades.

He is best remembered for his courage during the attempted coup of 1990 in Trinidad and Tobago in which he was a hostage at the national television service TTT.  The CBU citation reads in part,

“…you were the credible voice and face to which your compatriots turned for critical information and even with guns at your head, not only helped to calm the country but earned you the gratitude and the grudging respect of your captors.”

CBU President, Anthony Greene in offering his tribute noted that Mr. Madeira continued his support for the regional media sector not only as an active media manager, but also as a member of the CBU Media Hall of Fame Award panel from 2017 – 2020.  Mr Greene reflected as stated in the CBU citation that, “some of the initiatives he took when at the helm of the CBU Secretariat resonated in much that audiences value in radio and television decades later”.

The CBU Board of Directors, membership and Secretariat extend deepest sympathies to the Madeira family and his other dear ones.

A detailed career bio of Mr. Madeira can be found here on the CBU website.

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