Achieving media and information literacy for all requires that media and information literacy is integrated in all levels of informal, non-formal and formal education and learning (in schools and outside of schools). UNESCO published the new resource Media and Information Literate Citizens: Think critically, Click Wisely (Second Edition of the UNESCO Model Media and Information Literacy Curriculum for Educators and Learners) in April 2021, a flagship resource to be used by educators and learners around the globe. To guide media and information literacy curricula development and implementation around the world and assist stakeholders in this endeavor, UNESCO will issue the Global Standards for Media and Information Literacy Curricula Development Guidelines.
The Standards focus on necessary processes at various levels of society and offer an integrated set of core and common learning outcomes that all stakeholders seeking to develop integrated curricula on media and information literacy should consider. This document is a non-prescriptive policy brief. Its primary target groups are policy makers responsible for curricula development and media and information literacy related programmes, curriculum developers and planners, educators, NGO leaders, experts and practitioners implementing media and information literacy related curricula.
This resource is the fruit of a series of international and regional consultations covering all regions of the world and involving over 100 countries. During the 39th session of the UNESCO General Conference side event “Media and Information Literacy and Games in the Digital World”, UNESCO and representatives from the Republic of Serbia, Finland, and India jointly launched the Belgrade Recommendations on Draft Global Standards for Media and Information Literacy Curricula Guidelines. The launch was followed by further multi-stakeholder consultations gathering inputs from experts and practitioners mentioned above.
Against this backdrop, the Global Standards for Media and Information Literacy Curricula Development Guidelines will be jointly launched by UNESCO and the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the European Commission. This resource will be made available in multiple languages for all Member States of UNESCO, as well as civil society actors.
➤ Event: Launch of the Global Standards for Media and Information Literacy Curricula Development Guidelines, co-organized by UNESCO and the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the European Commission
➤ Date: Thursday, 11 November 2021
➤ Time: 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. (CET)
➤ Registration link: